Hutton House Where Kelly Weds Matt

Before I was a wedding planner I worked in hospice. Usually I don’t bring it up, because it’s a Debbie downer, but it’s definitely a part of my soul and I am incredibly passionate about death and dying.

A few summer’s back one of our patient’s daughters had a daughter newly engaged. Of course, I wanted to hear everything about how the question was popped and how the planning was coming along. During foot rubs and hair washes I got to hear (second hand) all about the choices this newly engaged couple were contemplating.

Should we get married in Italy?

Should we have two receptions?

When should we get married?

Happily, daughter introduced me to granddaughter and luckily, Kelly hired me to be her wedding planner.

Kelly and Matt’s wedding ended up being one of those weddings that was strongly infused with my suggestions and referrals, which is always an ego boost, but it also means that their wedding day was practically flawless.

The only punch I remember having to roll with? A near 50 degree day and an outdoor ceremony, which isn’t really that terrible, but Kelly’s mom insisted on guests being comfortable and warm… my kind of gal.

Seriously. Guest happiness can make or break your big day, a day where there isn’t room for complaints of grumpy faces.

Don’t give your guests a reason to gripe, read on for more lessons you can learn from their big day.

** side note, Kelly’s grandma did die in hospice and I am so grateful for her, her family, and the connections that she brought forth in my life and in my business.



  1. DIY stationery will never look DIY if you take the time to design it well - it also helps if you are a graphic designer

  2. Mixing print and hand calligraphy can really elevate your wedding decor

  3. White on white on white is classic and a fantastic choice

  4. If you wear glasses, wear your glasses on your wedding day

  5. Understand your inclement weather back up plan, this might be for rain but also for a cold front. Heaters and blankets can really be a saving grace

  6. Sometimes you just have to bite the budget bullet and over order on dessert, especially when opting for crowd favorites like mini-anything



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Balloons // Andon's Balloons | Bride’s Dress // Annika Bridal | Bridesmaids Dresses // The Wedding Shoppe | Calligraphy // Rosann Konieczny Calligraphy | Catering // D’Amicos | Ceremony Music // Laurel’s String Quartet | Dessert // Amy’s Cupcake Shoppe | DJ // Prime Time DJ | Flowers // Kindred Blooms | Hair and Makeup // Cristina Ziemer Beauty | Officiant // Shel Mann | Photobooth // Time Into Pixels | Photography // Aqua Fox Photography | Rentals // Linen Effects // Ultimate Events | Venue // Hutton House | Wedding Planning // Sixpence Events & Planning

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